24 January 2010

winter welcomes soups

Even though it's much warmer here than I'm used to this time of year, I have still been craving soups. Last night I made a soup from Veganomicon called Baked Potato and Greens Soup with Potato Wedge Croutons, except in place of idaho spuds and kale, I used red potatoes and spinach. What's particularly tasty about this dish is the potato crouton - it lends texture to the soup as well as a bit more heat. And what a great way to get in some greens!

rating: 3.5 pineapples

22 January 2010

Viva Vegan Lasagna

This week my boyfriend cooked for me. He made a vegan meatloaf alongside mashed potatoes & peas, the image of which he refused to have published here. He said it looked like a TV dinner, but it was tasty none the less. The other night we decided to attempt vegan lasagna together.

The recipe called for 4-6 slices of vegan mozzarella, diced. Well, Whole Foods only had a huge block of vegan mozzarella, and my boyfriend was in charge of cutting that. So we had huge cubes of "cheese" that didn't melt - tasted good, but didn't melt.
I'm really hesitant to try recipes from VegWeb because, like the one we used, some aren't very well written. This one continually called for 'a package of this, about a package of that,' in place of actual measurements. The faux ricotta came out green, and in my opinion, kind of gross.

We had fun constructing it together, but I had considerably less fun actually eating it. I don't even know if any of the cookbooks I have contain a lasagna recipe, but I really hope to find one I like.

rating: 1 pineapple